Top-100 artists:

Untitled #115 by Cindy Sherman

Untitled #115, 1982

Color coupler print
114.9 x 76.2 cm (45.24 x 30 in)
Edition of 10
LiveArt Estimate™
Momentum 12M
Last recorded sale at Christie's, New York (13 Nov 2008)

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Past Sales
ImageLast Sale DateTitleEdition No.Last SaleLast Sale Auction HouseLast Sale Location
Nov 13, 2008Untitled #11510
Christie'sNew York
Nov 13, 2003Untitled, no 115
Sotheby'sNew York
May 15, 2002Untitled no.115
Christie'sNew York
Feb 7, 2001Untitled, number 115
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Artwork Description



114.9 x 76.2 cm (45.24 x 30 in)


color coupler print


signed, numbered and dated 'Cindy Sherman 10/10 1982' (on the reverse)


Metro Pictures, New York

Galerie Daniel Varenne, Geneva


Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum; Ghent, Gewad; Bristol, Watershed Gallery; University of Southampton, Jack Hansard Gallery; Erlangen, Palais Stutterheim; West Berlin, Haus Am Waldsee; Geneva, Centre d'art Contemporain; Copenhagen, Sonja Henie and Niels Onstadt Foundation, and Humlebaek, Louisiana Museum, Cindy Sherman, December 1982-April 1984, pl. 75 (illustrated, another example exhibited).Stony Brook, Fine Arts Centre; and Middletown, Zilkha Gallery, Center for the Arts, Wesleyan University, Cindy Sherman, October-December 1983 (another example exhibited).New York, Whitney Museum of American Art; Boston Institute of Contemporary Art; and Dallas Museum of Art, Cindy Sherman, July-October 1987, pl.75 (illustrated, another example exhibited).Hamburg, Deichtorhallen; Malmö, Konsthall; Lucerne, Kunstmuseum, Cindy Sherman Photographic Work 1975-1995, no. 48 (illustrated, another example exhibited).New York, Whitney Museum of American Art, Cindy Sherman, July-October 1987, pl. 75 (illustrated; another example exhibited).Oslo, Kunstnernes Hus, and Helsinki, Museum of Contemporary Art, Cindy Sherman, Louise Lawler, Laurie Simmons, January 1992-March 1993 (another example exhibited).


P. Schjeldahl and M. Danoff, Cindy Sherman, New York 1984, pl. 70 (illustrated).R. Krauss, Cindy Sherman 1975-1993, New York 1993, p.228 (illustrated).Z. Felix and M. Schwander, Cindy Sherman Photographic Work: 1975-1995, Munich 1999, pl. 48 (illustrated).